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How do we make things right?

Institutional repentance practices take time

Molli Mitchell


With 17 years of experience facilitating groups and team-building in churches and nonprofits, Molli’s mycelial vision and dedicated labor weaves a web of mutuality and communal flourishing.

Recent Projects

Pilot and Presentations

Client Testimonials

"It took us from education & learning-the-facts to spiritual, Christian-based action. That's the work that's ours to do."
Shirley Hardison, DEI committee co-chair, Little Compton UCC
“This is the work that the church can't not do.”
Rev. Elyse Nelson-Wenger, chaplain, Tufts University
“Molli brought the spiritual component in a way that was really important. We shy away from claiming that, but religion compels us to do this work”
Rev. Rebecca Floyd-Marshall, Little Compton UCC

Get unstuck and undaunted in the work of accountability

Dig deep to move into restorative solidarity.